Quien no ha deseado alguna vez aparecer en una boda, fiesta o cena romántica con su chico llevando un vestido de Alberta Ferretti, Moschino, Chloe, Valentino...Creo que a todas se nos ha pasado por la cabeza ese sueño inalcanzable...hasta hoy????
Y si os dijera que los tiempos de irte a comprar un vestido para una boda al Corte Ingles han teminado???
Y si pudiésemos llevar un Dolce&Gabbana por solo 50 euros??? Si chicas, lo se, la misma cara de incrédula se me quedo a mi cuando vi esto
Solo teneis que registraros en la pagina y entrareis dentro de un mundo lleno de posibilidades. Vestidos de grandes firmas para alquiler o venta a precios muuuuuy asequibles. Alquiler vs compra, si, la eterna pregunta...merece la pena alquilar un vestido muy caro para darte un capricho de un día por un precio mas bajo??? Esta podría ser una pregunta a debate...Ahí lo dejo. Enjoy!
Dear chics and beauties!
Who hasn't dreamed about showing up to a wedding, party or romantic dinner with your boyfriend dressed by Alberta Ferreti, Moschino, Chloe, Valentino...I am sure that's an impossible dream that has been in our heads once at least...until now???
What if I were to tell you that the days of buying cocktail dresses in a common store are over?
What if we could wear a Dolce&Gabbana just for 50 euros? Yes girls, I know, I had the same unbelieving face when I saw this
You just have to register in the webpage and open an incredible world of possibilities. High quality brands for rent or for sale at veeery low prices. Rent vs buy is the eternal question...Is it worth it to rent a very expensive dress for one day for a lower price? It could be a question for discussion...there you are! Enjoy!

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